

First, let me compliment all of the people who make these products and bike machines possible. We find them excellent products which serve their intended purpose completely. All the components perform flawlessly, precisely, and intuitively as they were designed. The build quality is excellent from the smoothness of the welds (not an easy task with aluminum) to the way things fit, look and feel to the touch of the rider. This makes the riding experience more enjoyable and relaxing for the riders. We are of the older generation - 50 plus and have just about reached our tolerance for mountain bikes, road, cross and other designs (do not need the aches & pain generated by these types).

We investigated many companies, found MAXARYA design to be suitable for our needs, inquired answers to our many questions, received prompt and precise answers to everyone and (some we did not think to ask)…

Annually, we take several trips for the intended purpose of bike riding on our 500 mile driving trip radius. (1 day drive distance)
The first destination this year was from Peoria, Ill to Minneapolis, Minnesota (Grand Rounds & Mississippi River trails (routed around and through the city park district - paved path with many views of the city & out of traffic) then, to Redwing, Minn (Cannon Valley Trail - 20+ miles one direction flat & straight) then, to Lanesboro, Minn (Root River Trail - 67+miles long -we do it in segments) All this provides about 4-5 days of riding.

The bikes performed as intended by MAXARYA - flawlessly, precisely, and intuitively as they were designed. No aches, pains, etc. as a result of riding. Sit back and enjoy the scenery, stop and investigate things along the path and try to answer all other riders’ questions about the bikes.

This is a most enjoyable bike and we will receive many years of pleasure as a result of the design and ease of use.
Attached are some photos of the RAY's on vacation some with and without riders.


Dave Roberts
Metamora, USA - Maxarya riders since 2007

As a competitive cyclist, cycling has always been an integral part of my lifestyle, and even now, as my professional cycling career comes to a close, I plan to continue to cycle for leisure and to keep fit. And I have found the perfect bike to make this possible – the Maxarya recumbent.
The recumbent position is so much more comfortable and surprisingly efficient than my previous bikes. I found it easy to adjust to the upright position because the seat and bars are adjustable so it feels like a custom fit bike. In addition, I find the bike to be of superior construction and design so I find it to be a steady enjoyable ride. The gearing and high-pressure tires make the MAXARYA easy to ride in all terrain - hills, flat and trails.
The MAXARYA is a bike that is all about performance. It's comfortable enough to ride long distances without the resulting postural aches and pains. The MAXARYA is a bike for life!!!

Susan Palmer Komar
1996 Olympian and Professional Cyclist, Hamilton, Canada

Having been an active participant in a variety of sporting events, I have a committed interest in maintaining a balanced and healthy lifestyle. As a chiropractor and an advocate of fitness I believe in keeping the body healthy and functioning at its optimum level.

As a result I was greatly impressed when I saw and rode Maxarya’s recumbent bike. It began with the stylistic and clean design of the bike. But the true magic began when I sat and rode Maxarya’s recumbent bike. It is a totally new experience from the traditional bike.

The broad weight distribution across the back and buttocks was a welcome change from the traditionally uncomfortable pressure found with a conventional bike saddle. Furthermore, from a chiropractic and postural point of view I could see the immediate benefits of maintaining an upright posture. Besides the obvious benefits of increased visual awareness, the stresses and strains over the entire back including the shoulders and neck were markedly reduced by moving from the bent over posture of a traditional bike to the more ergonomically friendly upright posture of this recumbent bicycle. In addition, complaints of numb hands and fingers from median nerve compression would likely be substantially reduced in moving from the traditional bike posture where excessive weight bearing occurs at the wrist joint.

I would highly recommend to anyone who enjoys exercising outdoors or wants to make a healthy choice to improve their fitness, to look for Maxarya’s recumbent bikes. Once you have a chance to see and take a ride, you’ll never be content with an ordinary bike again.

Dr. James D. Pringle
B.SC, D.C., CHIROPRACTOR, Toronto, Canada

I was actively looking for a decent and fashionable recumbent since 1994. Then I saw the Maxarya recumbents on the internet and immediately fell in love with its simple design. I purchased a Ray-1 in May 2004. It is so stylish and safe to pedal, not to mention very comfortable, rider-friendly and extremely durable, yet with a superior craftsmanship.

It is stable and delivers a smoothly responsive power transfer due to its Mid-Drive system design which makes the bike stable and gives it an elegant look as compared to the long chain design found in many other recumbent bikes.

Our adjustment to the Maxarya bike took only 15 minutes. My wife and I had no problem balancing, stopping and changing gears or steering. For my 50 mile fun rides I use clipless pedals and to increase the maximum visibility I have installed a four foot 3M reflective flag.

My wife and I both agree that the Maxarya recumbent bike is an excellent choice. With our Maxarya bent we both continue regularly riding for leisure and participate in 30-50 mile “FUN” rides sponsored by our club while meeting with new friends and maintain our health. Only Maxarya bike makes it realistic to keep our interest and “Adrenalin” going! This bike is so easy and comfortable to ride long distances without experiencing any sore neck, pressure on the wrist or back pain because of its ergonomical seat back support.

We can now appreciate the sceneries and see things we never noticed on our upright bikes before. Oh, yes! Some drivers slow down and stare at us on our Maxarya bent (our heads are at the same level as the driver of a car). Who can blame them?!

To all bike riders out there, Rider Maxarya recumbent and see the big difference!

Art and Rose Pangidian
Los Angeles, USA - Maxarya rider since 2004

I am really enjoying the bike and yesterday reached 3000 miles that I have ridden the bike since I purchased it. The quality of the bike is outstanding and it is very comfortable to ride. The normal problems of numbness in my wrists and groin are gone and it seems to require much less effort to ride than a conventional bike. The shifting is very easy and I get many inquiries about the bike. Enclosed is a picture after my 20 mile ride yesterday.

Best Regards,

Al Stevens
Pismo Beach, USA - Maxarya rider since November 2006